IT Helpdesk Outsourcing

We can provide outsourced IT support through our fully managed helpdesk service.
Need something bespoke? We can provide dedicated helpdesk engineers managed by us.

Outsourcing IT helpdesk
plans & features

Our outsourced IT support service is designed for enterprise businesses who are
looking to outsource first line, second line and all IT helpdesk functions.

Service Level
First line centralised helpdesk
Second line centralised helpdesk
Dedicated Engineers
Outsourced IT Support helpdesk
08:30 - 17:30 Support (Mon-Fri)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Trained Helpdesk Engineers
Phone Support
Email Support
Ticket Portal Access
Onsite Support
Monthly Ticket Reporting
Monthly Backlog Reporting
Satisfaction Reporting
Account Management
Helpdesk Manager
Account Manager
Technical Manager
£15.00 £299
Per user per month
Annual commit
Book Teams Meeting
£25.00 £299
Per user per month
Annual commit
Book Teams Meeting
£POA £299
Per user per month
Annual commit

Helpdesk engineers dedicated to your business only.

Book Teams Meeting

Do you have questions about our IT helpdesk outsourcing services?

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Calculate your outsourced IT helpdesk costs

If you’re a small or medium business, find out more about our small business IT Support service and how we can help support your users and IT systems.

Frequently asked outsourced IT support questions

Our outsourced IT support FAQ might help you answer some of your questions.

1. What does Tier 1 centralised helpdesk cover

Basic help desk resolution and service desk delivery.


Tier 1 centralised helpdesk provides your business with engineers who will receive all calls, emails and tickets that are sent into the helpdesk. Their priority is to determine the issues experienced and diagnose what the problem is. If the issue is easily resolved then the first line engineer will carry out the remedial work to rectify the problem.


If there is an issue that is widely affecting user groups or related to specific business applications or systems, then the tier one engineer may not have the experience, expertise or access to resolve these types of issues. In this instance, a tier one engineer would escalate the ticket to the relevant second tier. This could either be internally within baseMSP (depending on service purchased) or could be to an internal team within your business, who have responsibility for overall business systems and applications.

2. What does Tier 2 centralised helpdesk cover

In-depth technical support.


Tier 2 helpdesk engineers are the next layer of our outsourced IT support. Anything that can’t be resolved by tier 1, will be escalated to tier 2.


Tier 2 helpdesk engineers have a more in-depth technical understanding of the applications and systems that are in use. They may not have designed or installed the service, but they are capable of troubleshooting a wide variety of IT related issues.

3. What are the benefits of dedicated engineers?

Dedicated helpdesk engineers are aligned only to your business. They are not a shared resource, and are not assigned to work on other customer related support queries.

4. Are the hours supported flexible?

The hours supported are flexible, however, pricing may increase to reflect the changes in service. Please contact us to discuss your options.

5. Are the SLAs provided flexible?

SLA’s are fixed for Standard and Premium services.


If you require a dedicated service, we can work towards SLA’s that are suitable to your needs. Please note that costs may increase to facilitate shorter SLA timeframes, this is due to an increase of engineers required to deliver the service you need.

6. What does onsite support cover?

Onsite outsourced IT support provides your business with a dedicated resource at your office/datacenter locations. The onsite helpdesk engineer could be tier 1 or tier 2 depending on your requirements.


Duration and time spent on site will be determined by what you need to achieve.

7. What role does the helpdesk manager provide?

The helpdesk manager role ensures all aspects of your outsourced IT support service run smoothly.


They are responsible for the following:


  • Initial onboarding process
  • Engineers respond and act accordingly
  • Overall management of the team in place supporting you
  • Communication with your business
  • Relationship Management
  • Reporting

8. Standard and Premium don't have a helpdesk Manager

The standard and premium tier of our outsourced IT support service DOES NOT have a dedicated helpdesk manager as these plans provide engineers from a shared centralised helpdesk.


The centralised helpdesk is managed by a helpdesk manager, however they are not directly reporting to your business. They are in place to manage the centralised team, and to ensure all services and operations run seamlessly.

9. What do Technical & Account Managers do?

Technical Account Manager


Have a technical understanding of IT and are able to bridge the gap between the helpdesk engineers and account managers. They are vital in providing a seamless service by cohesively bringing all aspects of the service together.


Account Manager


They make sure your account is managed successfully and deal with varied requests that you may have.  They bring together resources within baseMSP to make sure we deliver on what you need from us. They are your day to day go to to ensure that things get done or if you have any concerns or complaints.

10. What is the knowledgebase?

The knowledgebase is a repository where we can store useful information and documents that you employees can easily access.


The knowledgebase could be used for training and business templates, or to provide self supporting documentation where users can troubleshoot errors that may crop up from time to time.

11. What's the minimum commitment term?

The minimum term is 12 months.


If you wish to consider a longer term such as 36 months, we can review our per user pricing.

Request call back

Please call us, email us or fill in the form below and we will contact you back. We endeavor to answer all enquiries within 24 hours Monday to Friday.